
Digital Purchasing and Procure to Pay Surveys

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Detailed surveys to help buyers learn more about their environment.

Are you interested in knowing more about digital solutions on the market? Digital Purchasing Transformation Barometer

A survey to identify the key factors for the success of projects to implement a digital solution by user companies for their purchasing, procurement and accounting processes suppliers.
"We are familiar with the functional coverage and technical performance of digital market purchasing solutions, but much of the success of a function digitalization project depends on the context and conditions of implementation."

Bertrand Gabriel, Associate Director.

The three axes?

The Digital Purchasing Solutions Barometer is the only study that systematically and independently assesses customer satisfaction with these solutions. The study covers 80% of the digital solutions for managing purchases, procurement and accounting suppliers in the French market.
Choosing the solution
The implementation project.
Support in operation

A triple objective

Helping businesses choose the right solution
Improving the success rate of digitalization projects
Allow project teams to anticipate difficulties

Are you interested in getting to know your suppliers better? Suppliers' Digital Maturity Barometer

A survey to enable companies to know the level of digital maturity of suppliers, i.e. their ability to collaborate with contractors via digital tools and channels.
"We have a good understanding of the e-purchase solutions market and their level of deployment in organizations. But the performance of systems and processes also depends on the commitment of suppliers, who are increasingly involved in an extensive business logic, and thus their ability to collaborate via digital platforms."

Bertrand Gabriel, Associate Director.

What is the goal?

Identify the systems vendors put in place to manage their customer relationships
Measure suppliers' ability to collaborate with contractors through digital tools and channels
Assess suppliers' ambitions in this area

A double ambition

Help purchasing departments introduce corresponding criteria in their supplier approach
Contribute to the digital maturity of suppliers, to optimize interactions with purchasing teams, prescribers, end-users
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