
The Digital Watch Shopping Technology Watch and Digital Purchasing Solutions Market

Trends and Innovations

The Vigil Digital Purchasing

Each quarter, our team deciphers an emerging issue for you, and tries to bring you the elements of understanding. An analysis of emerging technologies, Digital Purchasing Watch sheds light on new uses and current trends.
Le digital au service des achats responsables
Digital for responsible purchasing
Winter 2023-2024 Edition. Digital for responsible purchasing.
La conduite du changement, l’âme de la transformation digitale
The conduct of change, the soul of digital transformation
Acxias Digital Watch: change management, the soul of digital transformation. November 2020 issue
Une nouvelle ère digitale s’ouvre pour les achats des ETI
A new digital era is opening up for ETI purchases
Acxias digital monitoring: A new digital era is dawning for ETI purchases. June 2020 issue.
De la nécessaire maturité digitale des fournisseurs
Suppliers need to be digitally matured
Digital collaboration with suppliers has become decisive, Acxias deciphers the news.
Les Business networks fluidifient les relations achats-fournisseurs
Business networks streamline buy-to-supplier relationships
Acxias Watch: January 2018 Edition: Business Networks streamline purchasing-supplier relations
La blockchain, nouveau maillon de la chaîne achats
The blockchain, the new link in the purchasing chain
If they do not yet fully measure the impacts, purchasing departments are starting to take a close interest in the blockchain.
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